fuocore.models 源代码

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


这个模块定义了音乐资源的模型,如歌曲模型: ``SongModel`` , 歌手模型: ``ArtistModel`` 。

    class XyzModel(BaseModel):
        class Meta:
            model_type = ModelType.xyz
            fields = ['a', 'b', 'c']

        def ab(self):
            return self.a + self.b


- ModelMeta: Model 元类,进行一些黑科技处理:比如解析 Model Meta 类
- ModelMetadata: Model meta 属性对应的类
- BaseModel: 基类

ModelMetadata, ModelMeta, BaseModel 几个类是互相依赖的。

from enum import IntEnum
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _get_artists_name(artists):
    return ','.join((artist.name for artist in artists))

class ModelType(IntEnum):
    dummy = 0

    song = 1
    artist = 2
    album = 3
    playlist = 4
    lyric = 5

    user = 17

class ModelStage(IntEnum):
    """Model 所处的阶段,有大小关系"""
    display = 4
    inited = 8
    gotten = 16

class ModelExistence(IntEnum):
    no = -1
    unknown = 0
    yes = 1

class ModelMetadata(object):
    def __init__(self,
        """Model metadata class

        :param allow_get: if get method is implemented
        :param allow_batch: if list method is implemented
        self.model_type = model_type
        self.provider = provider
        self.fields = fields or []
        self.fields_display = fields_display or []
        self.fields_no_get = fields_no_get or []
        self.allow_get = allow_get
        self.allow_batch = allow_batch
        for key, value in kwargs.items():
            setattr(self, key, value)

class display_property:
    """Model 的展示字段的描述器"""
    def __init__(self, name):
        #: display 属性对应的真正属性的名字
        self.name_real = name
        #: 用来存储值的属性名
        self.store_pname = '_display_store_' + name

    def __get__(self, instance, _=None):
        if instance.stage >= ModelStage.inited:
            return getattr(instance, self.name_real)
        return getattr(instance, self.store_pname, '')

    def __set__(self, instance, value):
        setattr(instance, self.store_pname, value)

class ModelMeta(type):
    def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
        # 获取 Model 当前以及父类中的 Meta 信息
        # 如果 Meta 中相同字段的属性,子类的值可以覆盖父类的
        _metas = []
        for base in bases:
            base_meta = getattr(base, '_meta', None)
            if base_meta is not None:
        Meta = attrs.pop('Meta', None)
        if Meta:

        kind_fields_map = {'fields': [],
                           'fields_display': [],
                           'fields_no_get': []}
        meta_kv = {}  # 实例化 ModelMetadata 的 kv 对
        for _meta in _metas:
            for kind, fields in kind_fields_map.items():
                fields.extend(getattr(_meta, kind, []))
            for k, v in _meta.__dict__.items():
                if k.startswith('_') or k in kind_fields_map:
                if k == 'model_type':
                    if ModelType(v) != ModelType.dummy:
                        meta_kv[k] = v
                    meta_kv[k] = v

        klass = type.__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)

        # update provider
        provider = meta_kv.pop('provider', None)
        model_type = meta_kv.pop('model_type', ModelType.dummy.value)
        if provider and ModelType(model_type) != ModelType.dummy:
            provider.set_model_cls(model_type, klass)

        fields_all = list(set(kind_fields_map['fields']))
        fields_display = list(set(kind_fields_map['fields_display']))
        fields_no_get = list(set(kind_fields_map['fields_no_get']))

        for field in fields_display:
            setattr(klass, field + '_display', display_property(field))

        # DEPRECATED attribute _meta
        # TODO: remove this in verion 2.3
        klass._meta = ModelMetadata(model_type=model_type,
        klass.source = provider.identifier if provider is not None else None
        # use meta attribute instead of _meta
        klass.meta = klass._meta
        return klass

class Model(metaclass=ModelMeta):
    """base class for data models


        class User(Model):
            class Meta:
                fields = ['name', 'title']

        user = UserModel(name='xxx')
        assert user.name == 'xxx'
        user2 = UserModel(user)
        assert user2.name == 'xxx'

    def __init__(self, obj=None, **kwargs):
        for field in self._meta.fields:
            setattr(self, field, getattr(obj, field, None))

        for k, v in kwargs.items():
            if k in self._meta.fields:
                setattr(self, k, v)

[文档]class BaseModel(Model): """Base model for music resource. :param identifier: model object identifier, unique in each provider :cvar allow_get: meta var, whether model has a valid get method :cvar allow_list: meta var, whether model has a valid list method """ class Meta: allow_get = True allow_list = False model_type = ModelType.dummy.value #: Model 所有字段,子类可以通过设置该字段以添加其它字段 fields = ['identifier'] #: Model 用来展示的字段 fields_display = [] #: 不触发 get 的 Model 字段,这些字段往往 get 是获取不到的 fields_no_get = [] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) #: model 所处阶段。目前,通过构造函数初始化的 model # 所处阶段为 inited,通过 get 得到的 model,所处阶段为 gotten, # 通过 display 属性构造的 model,所处阶段为 display。 # 目前,此属性仅为 models 模块使用,不推荐外部依赖。 self.stage = kwargs.get('stage', ModelStage.inited) #: 歌曲是否存在。如果 Model allow_get,但 get 却不能获取到 model, # 则该 model 不存在。 self.exists = ModelExistence.unknown def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, BaseModel): return False return all([other.source == self.source, other.identifier == self.identifier, other.meta.model_type == self.meta.model_type]) def __getattribute__(self, name): """ 获取 model 某一属性时,如果该属性值为 None 且该属性是 field 且该属性允许触发 get 方法,这时,我们尝试通过获取 model 详情来初始化这个字段,于此同时,还会重新给除 identifier 外的所 fields 重新赋值。 """ cls = type(self) cls_name = cls.__name__ value = object.__getattribute__(self, name) if name in cls.meta.fields \ and name not in cls.meta.fields_no_get \ and value is None \ and self.stage < ModelStage.gotten: if cls.meta.allow_get: logger.info("Model {} {}'s value is None, try to get detail." .format(repr(self), name)) obj = cls.get(self.identifier) if obj is not None: for field in cls.meta.fields: if field in ('identifier', ): continue # 这里不能使用 getattr,否则有可能会无限 get fv = object.__getattribute__(obj, field) # 如果字段属于 fields_no_get 且值为 None,则不覆盖 # 比如 UserModel 的 cookies 的字段,cookies # 这类需要权限认证的信息往往不能在 get 时获取, # 而需要在特定上下文单独设置 if not (fv is None and field in cls.meta.fields_no_get): setattr(self, field, fv) self.stage = ModelStage.gotten self.exists = ModelExistence.yes else: self.exists = ModelExistence.no logger.warning('Model {} get return None'.format(cls_name)) else: logger.warning("Model {} does't allow get".format(cls_name)) value = object.__getattribute__(self, name) return value @classmethod def create_by_display(cls, identifier, **kwargs): model = cls(identifier=identifier) model.stage = ModelStage.display model.exists = ModelExistence.unknown for k, v in kwargs.items(): if k in cls.meta.fields_display: setattr(model, k + '_display', v) return model
[文档] @classmethod def get(cls, identifier): """获取 model 详情 这个方法必须尽量初始化所有字段,确保它们的值不是 None。 """
[文档] @classmethod def list(cls, identifier_list): """Model batch get method"""
[文档]class ArtistModel(BaseModel): """Artist Model :param str name: artist name :param str cover: artist cover image url :param list songs: artist songs :param str desc: artist description """ class Meta: model_type = ModelType.artist.value fields = ['name', 'cover', 'songs', 'desc', 'albums'] def __str__(self): return 'fuo://{}/artists/{}'.format(self.source, self.identifier)
[文档]class AlbumModel(BaseModel): """Album Model :param str name: album name :param str cover: album cover image url :param list songs: album songs :param list artists: album artists :param str desc: album description """ class Meta: model_type = ModelType.album.value # TODO: 之后可能需要给 Album 多加一个字段用来分开表示 artist 和 singer # 从意思上来区分的话:artist 是专辑制作人,singer 是演唱者 # 像虾米音乐中,它即提供了专辑制作人信息,也提供了 singer 信息 fields = ['name', 'cover', 'songs', 'artists', 'desc'] def __str__(self): return 'fuo://{}/albums/{}'.format(self.source, self.identifier) @property def artists_name(self): return _get_artists_name(self.artists or [])
[文档]class LyricModel(BaseModel): """Lyric Model :param SongModel song: song which lyric belongs to :param str content: lyric content :param str trans_content: translated lyric content """ class Meta: model_type = ModelType.lyric.value fields = ['song', 'content', 'trans_content']
[文档]class SongModel(BaseModel): """Song Model :param str title: song title :param str url: song url (http url or local filepath) :param float duration: song duration :param AlbumModel album: album which song belong to :param list artists: song artists :class:`.ArtistModel` :param LyricModel lyric: song lyric """ class Meta: model_type = ModelType.song.value # TODO: 支持低/中/高不同质量的音乐文件 fields = ['album', 'artists', 'lyric', 'comments', 'title', 'url', 'duration'] fields_display = ['title', 'artists_name', 'album_name', 'duration_ms'] @property def artists_name(self): return _get_artists_name(self.artists or []) @property def album_name(self): return self.album.name if self.album is not None else '' @property def duration_ms(self): if self.duration is not None: seconds = self.duration / 1000 m, s = seconds / 60, seconds % 60 return '{:02}:{:02}'.format(int(m), int(s)) @property def filename(self): return '{} - {}.mp3'.format(self.title, self.artists_name) def __str__(self): return 'fuo://{}/songs/{}'.format(self.source, self.identifier) # noqa def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, SongModel): return False return all([other.source == self.source, other.identifier == self.identifier])
[文档]class PlaylistModel(BaseModel): """Playlist Model :param name: playlist name :param cover: playlist cover image url :param desc: playlist description :param songs: playlist songs """ class Meta: model_type = ModelType.playlist.value fields = ['name', 'cover', 'songs', 'desc'] def __str__(self): return 'fuo://{}/playlists/{}'.format(self.source, self.identifier)
[文档] def add(self, song_id): """add song to playlist, return true if succeed. If the song was in playlist already, return true. """ pass
[文档] def remove(self, song_id): """remove songs from playlist, return true if succeed If song is not in playlist, return true. """ pass
[文档]class SearchModel(BaseModel): """Search Model :param q: search query string :param songs: songs in search result TODO: support album and artist """ class Meta: model_type = ModelType.dummy.value # XXX: songs should be a empty list instead of None # when there is not song. fields = ['q', 'songs'] def __str__(self): return 'fuo://{}?q={}'.format(self.source, self.q)
[文档]class UserModel(BaseModel): """User Model :param name: user name :param playlists: playlists created by user :param fav_playlists: playlists collected by user :param fav_songs: songs collected by user :param fav_albums: albums collected by user :param fav_artists: artists collected by user """ class Meta: allow_fav_songs_add = False allow_fav_songs_remove = False allow_fav_playlists_add = False allow_fav_playlists_remove = False allow_fav_albums_add = False allow_fav_albums_remove = False allow_fav_artists_add = False allow_fav_artists_remove = False model_type = ModelType.user.value fields = ['name', 'playlists', 'fav_playlists', 'fav_songs', 'fav_albums', 'fav_artists']
[文档] def add_to_fav_songs(self, song_id): """add song to favorite songs, return True if success :param song_id: song identifier :return: Ture if success else False :rtype: boolean """ pass
def remove_from_fav_songs(self, song_id): pass def add_to_fav_playlists(self, playlist_id): pass def remove_from_fav_playlists(self, playlist_id): pass def add_to_fav_albums(self, album_id): pass def remove_from_fav_albums(self, album_id): pass def add_to_fav_artist(self, aritst_id): pass def remove_from_fav_artists(self, artist_id): pass